A Serious Note

True happiness is an immersive feeling that everything is good inside. It is not just about riches or wealth; it is a state of mind in which one has a fulfilling and satisfying feeling.

I don’t know how many people really achieve true happiness in this world, I don’t think it is that many. Everyone creates moments that make them happy temporarily but true happiness is much harder to come by. I think truly happy people are either very lucky or really stupid.

To me, being truly happy is being creative, heard, accepted, and understood. Or is that fulfillment?

Happiness is the feeling of being pleased or happy and happiness is choosing activities based on how happy these activities make us feel. On the other hand, fulfillment is focusing on those things that make our lives more significant and worthwhile.

I want both for me, my family, everyone really. For me, after reading the difference between happiness and fulfillment, it is fulfillment that seems to make me happy.

But life is getting in the way and drowning me. I am not complaining, I wanted some of those responsibilities, I love my family but I am starting to feel incompetent, alone and overwhelmed. Is there a happy compromise?

How do you figure out what level of fulfillment you need and come to a compromise with those around you? Especially if you see things differently and they are incapable of figuring out what they need themselves.

I guess this is where it gets hard. This is where the stress comes in. Stress effects happiness! Stress causes me to drink. Drinking makes me temporarily happy because it makes me think differently and not care as much. I make others miserable when I drink, and it creates tons of unhappiness all around. Not to mention it is not healthy.

I would guess I have a level of addiction or am an addict already – I am not sure. I drink because I am weak. I drink because I am selfish. I drink because I cannot find true happiness.

I need to figure it out, now.